April 11, 2022No Comments

Alessandro Vivaldi on the Challenges for Intelligence and Geopolitical Analysts of our Times

Alessandro Vivaldi talks about the main challanges for intelligence and geopolitical analysts in our times. He is president at AIAIG - Associazione Italiana Analisti di Intelligence e Geopolitica. In this session, Alessandro Vivaldi talks about the role of the analyst in Italy and Continental Europe in the public and private sector. He also explains the most common mistakes committed by analysts and how they can overcome them in the era of infodemic and fake news.

Interviewer: Danilo delle Fave.

This is ITSS Verona Member Series Video Podcast by the Intelligence and Military Strategy Team ITSS Verona - The International Team for the Study of Security Verona is a not-for-profit, apolitical, international cultural association dedicated to the study of international security, ranging from terrorism to climate change, from artificial intelligence to pandemics, from great power competition to energy security.

December 17, 2021No Comments

ITSS Verona 2021/22 Webinars Series: “Cyber Security in Italy” featuring Andrea Rigoni

For its third event of the 2021/22 Webinar Series, ITSS Verona members Ludovica Brambilla, Chiara Aquilino, Sarah Toubman, and Julia Hogdings discuss with world-leading cyber security expert Andrea Rigoni the question of cyber security in Italy, with particular reference to the creation of the new Cyber Security Agency and its current and future implications.

November 23, 2021No Comments

An Interview with Nicolò Scremin

Nicolò scremin, a non-resident fellow of Program on Extremism with the George Washington University and vast experience in the field of counter-terrorism, talks about his personal and professional experience regarding the counter-terrorism panorama.

DISCLAIMER: this is not a promotional video. ITSS Verona does not promote any specific organisation and is apolitical. The content of this video is purely of informative nature and aims to sparks constructive debate.

Interviewers: Francesco Bruno and Adelaide Martelli.