ITSS in the media

The Ba-looming crisis

Author: Gianluca Catucci Introduction The undisturbed incursion by the Chinese balloon into American territory and over military sites captured the attention of analysts worldwide, climaxing in a spectacular battle between…

The Microchip War

Author: Francesco Cirillo. The geostrategic rivalry between China and the US is affecting the semiconductor and integrated circuit industry. In recent months, Washington has implemented a clear strategy to contain…

Interviewing Barat Ali Batoor

In his second interview, with ITSS Verona, renowned photographer Barat Ali Batoor discusses the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, the discrimination faced by the different ethnic communities in the country,…

Psychological Warfare in a Changing World

By: Danilo delle Fave and Marco Verrocchio. “Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting”. This sentence of Sun Tzu well summarizes the meaning of Psychological warfare.  Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) includes all…

Sri Lankan Turmoil

Image source: By Austin Parcels & Alberto Trame Intro Since 2019, Sri Lanka has been experiencing its worst economic crisis. Unprecedented levels of inflation, the near depletion of foreign…

Understanding Putin’s Russia

Authors: Davide Gobbicchi, Igor Shchubetun and Fabrizio Napoli. After months of diplomatic efforts and mutual misunderstandings between Russia and the West, Vladimir Putin finally invaded Ukraine. Although the attack was predicted…

The Afghan Legacy

By: Francesco Cirillo and Bianca Ferrazza America’s longest war is worth analysing when in possession of an accurate chronology ofevents, from the very start to the newest events. Tracing the…

Oleg Goldshmidt on Cybersecurity

Oleg Goldshmidt talks about Cybersecurity, deception technology, 5G, protection of key infrastructure, financial services and national security. Oleg Goldshmidt is a principal software architect at Fortinet. This is ITSS Verona Member…

Gamers Revolution

‘Gamers Revolution’ – The ITSS team “Culture, Society and Security” interviews Dr Sergio Alberto Gramitto Ricci from Monash University and Professor Christina Sautter from Louisiana State University Interviewing Team: Julia…

Interview with Noor Dahri

Noor Dahri, the Executive Director of Islamic Theology of Counter Terrorism (ITCT) shares insights from his experience regarding the radicalisation process. Interviewers: Adelaide Martelli and Francesco Bruno.

The International Team for the Study of Security – Verona

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